Hello my dearest family and friends!!!
I'd love to tell you all about this great county, but heck, Wikipedia does it better!!
SEP has been such a fantastic rush! The experiences, the people, the friends, the parties, and of course, the workload!!
I think this blog will be just the perfect way to tell you all about my adventures here!
I'm now at Denmark Technical University (DTU). It's a cozy place. Ranked 4th best technical university in Europe according to some sources. Again, I'd like to tell you more, but heck, it's all already here!
I've seen snow before in my travels, since I'm a, ahem~ seasoned traveller. But to have snow all day long is really exciting - the slush of the snow on your feet as you walk, and the way the snowflakes just melt on your face. But just don't stay out for more than 5 mins!!And this is where I call home. The DTU Campus Village! I think you can practically find someone from anywhere in the world here. Anywhere!! From America, Botswana (really!), China, Denmark, (whatever place u know that starts with E)...
That's my address: Electrovej, 330 Campus Village, Container T Room 7, 2800 Kgs Lyngby Denmark. Do drop me a mail if you think you've got too many of those colourful airmail envelopes and are very stressed as to what to do about it.
Life here can be pretty happening! Nope, this is no rock concert! It's in the Oticon Salen right smack in school! Deccoband is in the house! Behind the concert is a bar where alcohol was being poured as fast as the thirsty students could pull money out from their pockets! Yes!! Alcohol and hard liquer can be easily bought within the school compound! Almost anytime of day! This is afterall, the home of Carlsberg. But that's a story for another day.
Over the first weekend here, we went to Isaberg in Sweden to Ski!!! The trip there took about 4hrs and another 4hrs back. But, it was all worth it!! Sking is just about the most exhilarating sport ever! Imagine proudly whizzing by the sking newbies who are afraid to make their first move, only to loose balance and collapse on the snow yourself. hahaha~
brrrrr... It was one cold day for the Singapore Alliance Isaberg! This is just some of us from Singapore! From left to right: Me, Grace Thng, Lin Chang, Michelle Chia, Siong Yang, Leong Yuan Shuo, Kwek Yuan Heng, Chiong Song Ning, Abel Li and Daren Low!
And here's the money shot heh~ That day, I don't know what drove me to take the gondola up the most advanced slope, only to realise that's the closest I'd ever been to jumping off a cliff. Sking at 10 degrees is like whizzing by on a bicycle. Now imagine sking at 40 degrees way up high high high. If I'd went straight on, I would have approached the speed of light!! Now that's terrifying! But hey, I'm proud, cos at the end, my undies were still dry! phew~

But besides the fun, there's still the quiet times that are important to me. It was a miracle that there is a Catholic Church a short walk from DTU. When only 1% of Danes are Catholic! (About 99% are Lutheran Evangelists). There is Sunday mass at 10am. Although the mass is totally in Danish, but since the order of mass is the same worldwide, I can actually follow the mass. With some imagination, I can just envision myself in NUS at Friday mass, together with my Catholic Students' Society friends and singing the all too familiar hymms.
Well, guess that's all for now. I still have many stories and photos to share. But in the meantime, there's quite a fair bit of assignments to clear. Stay tuned! And pls do drop me a msg!! I'm missing everyone back home!!!
Hey Andrew,
Glad that you are enjoying yourself over there. Looking forward to more posts and photos
hey Jason!
good to hear frm u man! u know, the first few wks, i played more FT std games here than in a whole Spore sem!! lol~ more posts coming up!
Hi Andrew. Looks like a great place. Miss having you here and doing all my dirty work! Hope you have great fun there.
u happily married yet?? and u're no longer doing Nathan's dirty work i hope?? heh~ yeah, i'm prolly having as much fun as u did back in ur Australia days!!
hello hello!
glad ur doing well there. looking forward to hearing mroe from you soon! take care and God Bless.
No way!!!...... You are having SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun!!!... To think you nearly missed this trip.
Dearest Andrew... take care and have more fun ya? Missing you!....=)
oops~ kinda neglected this comments page. good to hear from you! have you gotten Skype to work at home? take it easy back home! God bless! :)
hey mysterious ?,
who're you??? u're right, i'm glad i made it here in the end! i'd like to miss you too. but if i dun know who you are, i can only miss my collective friends. or do pop me an MSN sometime ya?
Yes if the truth be known, in some moments I can bruit about that I jibe consent to with you, but you may be in the light of other options.
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